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Health Condition

Patient information leaflet

How we handle and protect your personal information

Our pharmacists and their staff are part of your community's healthcare team. They strive to give you with the best possible healthcare. They must preserve records on you, your health, and the services we have provided or plan to offer you in order to do so. We value your privacy and the security of your personal information.

Information Captured

The following information may be recorded:

  • fundamental information about you, such as your name, address, and date of birth;
  • information of drugs obtained without a prescription from this pharmacy ("over the counter medicines");
  • any information and comments regarding your health and medical treatment;

Certain information is recorded as part of providing a professional, safe, and efficient service. Details of crucial advice offered and referrals to other health specialists are included. Except under the instances stated below in 'Sharing Information,' this information will not be shared with anyone else.

Sharing Information

Your personal information will not be shared for any reason, unless:

  • you request that we do so;
  • we request and you provide certain authorisation;
  • We are allowed by law to do so, for example, where the public interest outweighs the requirement to keep the material secret.

Anyone who obtains information from us has a legal obligation to keep that information secret, with the limitations outlined above.

Your Legal Rights

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 (and GDPR), the Human Rights Act 1998, and the common law duty of confidence (the Disability Discrimination and Race Relations Acts may also apply), you have the right to secrecy.

Under their professional Code of Ethics, pharmacists are required to maintain records concerning you discreet, safe, and correct.

Our staff contracts all include a responsibility to keep patient information secret.

Our main concept is to keep your records strictly confidential.

Your right to inspect your medical records

You have the right to get a copy of all pharmacy records pertaining to you.

A fee may be imposed if you request a printed copy of the information kept about you. Please send your request to We must respond to your request within 30 days.

In order for pharmacy personnel to identify you, you must provide sufficient information (for example, your entire name, address, and date of birth). Before any information is supplied to you, you will be requested to produce identification, such as a passport, complete driving license, and/or credit/debit card.

Please notify us if you believe any information we have on file for you is wrong or incomplete.

You have the right to object to us keeping your information.

You can contact the Information Commissioner's Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Our Data Protection Officer is

Mohammed Sajjad
